Perfumer and Co – Founder of SCENTS OF GRENADA, Stephen Dirkes has been involved in the study of fragrant materials in Grenada, the development of SCENTS of GRENADA perfume festival, and a Perfumery Programme at the Tower Estate from 2022.

With a passion for history and an obsession for perfumery botanicals, the Tower Estate quickly became an inspiring home for the, Brooklyn, New York based perfumer. Tower Estate owner & SCENTS OF GRENADA, Co – founder, Isabelle Slinger’s interests and aspirations for the development of the Estate were perfectly aligned and the Perfumery Programme began.
Based in experiencing Grenada’s beautiful natural bounty through the creation of a Perfumer’s Garden, the Perfumery Programme is designed to facilitate and educate the process of Blossom to Bottle perfumery.

An aspect of the Perfumery Programme is focused on creating experiences to connect botanicals we are familiar with through cuisine and mixology to their pure fragrance notes and use in Perfumery.

Establishing perfumery resources, such as a Perfumer’s Organ ( a collection of individual perfumery notes ) was important to establish for presentations, workshops, and perfume making. 19th Century period specific resources resonate the historical setting of the Tower Estate manor house.

19TH Century Perfumery technology is a great starting point for 21st century natural perfume. In addition to the technology of Alembic stills and the processes of tincturing and enfleurage, perfumery texts and accords from that era are also suited to working with accessible naturals today.

Bringing the technology for extracting fragrance from botanicals, demonstrating the process, and supporting farmers, manufacturers, and consumers through training and workshops is another part of the Perfumery programme.

Outreach and collaboration with various Grenadian governmental agencies and NGOs is a focus of developing the Perfumery Programme to reflect and support Grenada’s Tourism, Agriculture, and export initiatives.

Bringing together Grenada’s makers working in fragrance and natural botanicals and a Domestic and International audience to nurture and grow our community is an important aspect of the Perfumery Programme.

Founder/ Perfumer of Internationally celebrated, EUPHORIUM BROOKLYN perfume house, Mr. Dirkes established EUPHORIUM WEST INDIES to further develop perfume and fragrance related to ongoing work at the Tower Estate Perfumery Programme in Grenada.

Starting with a special commission from Grenada Tourism Authority to create a signature room scent for Grenada in 2023, PURE GRENADA Eau de Parfum was launched at SCENTS OF GRENADA NO7 ( MAY 11-13TH, 2024 ) with EUPHORIUM WEST INDIES.

BAY RUM Eau de Parfum was launched by EUPHORIUM WEST INDIES at SCENTS OF GRENADA NO5 2023 and soon garnered glowing reviews. Inspired by the botanical resoucres of Grenada and the history of Perfumery, Mr. Dirkes wanted to create a modern twist on this classic Caribbean cologne.

Both PURE GRENADA and BAY RUM perfume were created to showcase aspects of Grenada’s natural beauty through botanical notes we can reference in the Perfumer’s Garden. In addition being enjoyable fine fragrances, they also serve as teaching tools to connect perfumery to the nature of Grenada.

EUPHORIUM WEST INDIES is preparing to launch PURE GRENADA WATERS, a collection of 100% pure & natural room sprays or Hydrosols produced at the Tower Estate in 2024.

Educational outreach and community building outside of the SCENTS OF GRENADA event context is ongoing with workshops and presentations at various Middle Schools, Colleges, and Festivals in Grenada.

In New York, Mr. Dirkes presents the SCENTS OF GRENADA festival and BAY RUM Eau de Parfum by EUPHORIUM WEST INDIES in a Perfumery Workshop for the Fashion Institute of Technology, Perfume Department in Manhattan.